About GCET
The GCET has been held every year since 2000 as an international meeting of specialists and a forum for the exchange of ideas and research findings on environmental taxation and other market based instruments designed to protect the environment and foster sustainability.
The annual conferences provide an international and interdisciplinary setting to explore issues concerning the design and implementation of environmental taxes and opportunities for creating networks to expand and explore various theoretical and practical issues. The conferences are not intended to advance any particular environmental agenda but seek to advance knowledge and foster understanding and debate. The GCET has brought experts from more than 50 countries together, representing a wide range of disciplines (law, economics, finance, environmental science etc.), sectors (academic, government and non-governmental institutions and the private sector) and international organizations (UN, OECD and EU).
Recent GCET conferences have attracted delegates from more than 50 countries representing a wide range of disciplines (law, economics, accounting, environmental management, and public administration) and a variety of sectors (academic, government, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations) gathering to exchange ideas on how effective environmental taxation policies can promote the protection of the environment and sustainable economic development.
The main emphasis of GCET is to provide insights and analysis on how enlightened tax policy can promote sustainable environmental goals. By discussing environmental taxation issues that exist around the world, effective approaches used in one country can be considered and implemented by governmental authorities in other countries.
Annual GCET conferences have been held in Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. (2000), Vancouver, Canada (2001), Woodstock, Vermont U.S.A. (2002), Sydney, Australia (2003), Pavia, Italy (2004), Leuven, Belgium (2005), Ottawa, Canada (2006), Munich, Germany (2007), Singapore (2008), Lisbon, Portugal (2009), Bangkok, Thailand (2010), Madrid, Spain (2011), Vancouver, Canada (2012), Kyoto, Japan (2013), Copenhagen, Denmark (2014), Sydney, Australia (2015), Groningen, The Netherlands (2016), Tucson, U.S.A. (2017) and Madrid, Spain (2018).
For information on previous conferences, click here.
Here is a link to the final programme of the GCET19 Conference held in Madrid, Spain, in September 2018: http://gcet19.uspceu.es/programme/